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What to Expect

While the BFP strives to eliminate and lessen side effects that come about from the healing process, not all side effects can be avoided, and some unpleasant days or weeks may occur. It's best to understand that these symptoms are temporary and a sign of your body healing itself.

A Word From BFP's Creator, Josh Leisk

"It’s a series of eye-opening and empowering life lessons."

"The protocol targets restoring someone’s measured deficiencies and induced metabolic pathway impairments, then shifts focus to resolving a buildup of pathogenic biofilms and microbiome dysbiosis, before promoting a robust and sustained immune response to target pathogenic reservoirs.


Parts of this process are unavoidably unpleasant and will require some patience. As part of this journey, people will learn a lot about their bodies and how to take control of their health. It’s a series of eye-opening and empowering life lessons.”

Expected Side Effects of the BFP

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Addressing the Side Effects

Side Effect Interventions — General Tips


Immune Activation

  1. Implement Dietary Changes

  2. Hydrate Regularly

  3. Manage Stress

  4. Ensure Adequate Sleep

  5. Practice PEM-Conscious Exercise

  6. Avoid Triggers

  7. Maintain Gut Health

  8. Incorporate Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  9. Use Herbal Supplements

  10. Engage in Mindful Activities


Oxalate Dumping

  1. Stay Hydrated

  2. Reduce High-Oxalate Foods Gradually

  3. Balance Calcium Intake

  4. Consider Magnesium Supplements

  5. Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

  6. Limit Vitamin C Supplements

  7. Support Gut Health

  8. Monitor Sodium and Protein Intake

  9. Carefully Engage in PEM-Conscious Exercise

  10. Manage Stress Effectively


Die Off Reactions

  1. Stay Hydrated

  2. Rest and Sleep

  3. Keep a Balanced Diet

  4. Carefully Engage in PEM-Consious Exercise

  5. Detoxification Support

  6. Manage Stress

  7. Probiotics and Prebiotics

  8. Herbal Supplements

  9. Electrolyte Balance

  10. Limiting Inflammatory Foods


Acetylaldehyde Poisoning

  1. Limit Alcohol Consumption

  2. Avoid Acetaldehyde Sources

  3. Increase Nutrient Intake

  4. Consume ALDH-Supporting Foods

  5. Stay Hydrated

  6. Maintain a Balanced Diet

  7. Use Supplements Cautiously

  8. Manage Stress

  9. Ensure Adequate Sleep

  10. Carefully Engage in PEM-Conscious Exercise

BFP Recommendations

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